National Association of Psychological Science


1. Resilience Among Delhi-NCR First Line Responders
Mandeep Sharma & Arushi Sbharwal & HL Joshi & Rahul Singh
2. Well-Being, Optimism And Apprehensions Of School Students
Noor Aisha & Amiteshwar Ratra
3. Internet Addiction and Mental Health Risks among Adolescents
Kuldeep & Seema & Dr. Hardeep Lal Joshi
4. ICT Tools & Implications for the Wellbeing of Divyangjan Working
Artee Gupta & Tanya Johri
5. Perceived Social Support for Education Among Late Adolescents
Indu Singh & Amiteshwar Ratra
6. Perceived Stress among Doctors amid COVID-19
Dr. Shashi Rashmi and Mandeep
7. Coping Strategy and Hardiness in the folder of Belief in Just World
Dr.Rita Karmakar
8. Fear of Covid-19 In Relation To Depression and Stress Among Indian
Dr.Sandeep Panchal1 & Suman Kumari
9. Impact Of Parental Over Protection On Emotional Intelligence In Young
Ammu E Alexander & Dr.Padmakumari & Indu D Padavan
10. Validation of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire in Indian Sample
Sarita Sood & Amandeep Kaur Nanda
11.Ways of Coping as the Predictor of Alcohol and Drug
Ammu E Alexander & Rachna Rani
12.Dark Triad and Mate Poaching: Is the Relationship Moderated by Self-
Perceived Mate Value and Sociosexuality?

Bagmish Sabhapondit and Dr. Dinesh Chhabra


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I am glad to learn that the National Association of Psychological Science-India (NAPS) in cooperation with the Department of Psychology, P. G. Government College, Sector 46, Chandigarh, India along with publication partnership of the American Psychological Association (APA), is going to organize the 1st International and 3rd Indian Psychological Science Congress.

Prof. Mhd. Kamal Uddin

This is my pleasure to write a good wish message for your Conference. As you know, the future of psychology in India depends on how psychology can help facing the challenges of multifarious problems of individual, family, social, and national lives of the people of India.

Prof. Abdul Khaleque

I am delighted to learn that National Association of Psychological Science-INDIA and Psychology Dept., P.G. Govt. College, Sector-46, Chandigarh Jointly organizes 2nd International and 4th Indian Psychological Science Congress with International Collaboration of World Without Anger (W.W.A) on 8-9 October, 2015 at Chandigarh-INDIA.

Prof. Subhash Chandra

Panjab University, ChandigarhIt is time to become mental capitalist and to invest in our brains

Dr. Sagar Sharma (Prof. Emeritus)

The leadership skills of IPSC team have putted together such a successful gathering of scholars. I have no doubt that the upcoming event will be better than those in past.

Prof. Mudita Rastogi, Argosy University, USA

University of Delhi The IPSC-15 will surely be opening the plethora of information and debates which will spre...

Prof. N. K. Chadha, University of Delhi

Do you want to join our Association? Email Us at:

About Us

The National Association of Psychological Science (NAPS) has been established in 2010. This is an endeavour for the development, representation and advancement of different areas of psychology as a science.

Correspondence Address

Department of Psychology,
Punjab University,
Postal Code-160019 (INDIA).