National Association of Psychological Science

Prof Radhey Shyam

Indian Journal of Psychology and Education (IJPE) is biannual (January and July) refereed and peer reviewed journal devoted primarily to Psychology and Education. IJPE prefers to publish empirical data based research papers however it also considers for publication review based theoretical papers, case studies and papers based on meta-analysis with significant potential for application. The contributors can mail the soft copies of the paper prepared as per APA style or can submit hard copy along with soft copy in CD. Online paper submission facility is also available ( Submit your paper )Brief reports, book reviews and letters to editor are also published.

Dr. Dalip Singh (IAS)

Chief Patron

Clinical Psychology

Dr. Roshan Lal


Dr. Radhey shyam

Prof Radhey Shyam

General Secretary


Dr Bal Nagorao Rakshase

Executive Member

Dr.Rakesh Behmani

Dr. Rakesh Behmani

Executive Member

Dr. Satyananda Panda

Dr. S N Panda

Executive Member


Prof S N Ghosh

Vice President

Do you want to join our Association? Email Us at:

About Us

The National Association of Psychological Science (NAPS) has been established in 2010. This is an endeavour for the development, representation and advancement of different areas of psychology as a science.

Correspondence Address

Department of Psychology,
Punjab University,
Postal Code-160019 (INDIA).